I believe I had an epiphany this morning! Actually, I know I did. I was in the middle of having a conversation with my husband. He mentioned that they needed some help on a project. It was something that I could help them with and I knew they paid the other person to do it. Before I could offer he said they wanted to find someone to do it for FREE. Well, once he said the word FREE I knew I was not going to offer to help and my epiphany began... (Now don't get me wrong I do plenty of stuff for FREE and I believe in paying it forward but this is a little bit different. We can't go broke doing everything for FREE!)
I like FREE we all like FREE and we are all constantly looking for a great deal or something for FREE. When we get a great deal we can not wait to tell our friends. We are thrilled and they are thrilled too!
In business we may think we have to do something for FREE or discount our services. (Obviously we think if we discount something or do it for FREE when they have money they will come back and work with you... not so, I can speak from experience!) Because our mind set is such we figure if we found it for FREE before we can do it again and away we go... looking for the next something for FREE or a big discount.
Think about it, think about it hard... because what goes around comes around and you may not like what comes back around to you. Have you ever heard of the "money ripple." You know how when you toss a rock into the lake and it causes the water to ripple and the ripple goes on and on and runs into other ripples. Well, that is how the "money ripple" works. The problem is that our mind set is reversing the "money ripple." If we do this enough times the "money ripple" may never reach us. Our clients want discounts and we want discounts and we have always thought that was okay, in fact better than okay. What is happening to the "money ripple?" Your right... it is getting smaller, and smaller and in many cases it has completely disappeared. How is your "money ripple" doing?
We wonder why when we purchase something and it is crap. I guess we know why, but we don't consider that we the consumer has demanded it! No wonder the manufacturer has had to cut every corner, hire inexperienced employees, buy cheaper materials and the list goes on and on.
Our next thought is that the reason we need stuff for FREE or discounted is because we don't have the money to pay full price for something. Well, let us think about that. Really! Why is that?
How many of you like buying a car? My ideal situation would be to walk in, pick out the car of my choice and pay the full sticker price in cash! I feel relaxed just thinking about it. Most of us hate buying a car because we have to haggle the price, sit there and wait for the sales person to go back and forth... trying to get us into our dream care. Figure out if we are getting the best deal on our trade in.. I can tell you right now you are not. I am exhausted and a little pissed off just thinking about it. Our mind set is that we have to get the very best deal. If you told your best friend you did not haggle and you just paid the sticker price they would kick your butt!
However, this is where our mind set begins to get a little twisted. Let's say you get a great deal and you can't wait to show all your friends and family your new car, whoo hoo! What you don't realize is that the sales person who sold you the car gave up part of his commission (who cares it was just some car sales person and they are hardly human) and their kids Christmas is going to be a little smaller this year... the reverse "money ripple" begins. The dealership has discounted so many vehicles this month they can't order as many next month. The manufactures of the vehicles feels the reverse "money ripple" too. They are forced to cut back on materials they purchase. The "money ripple" continues to get smaller.
You are sitting in your office all excited about your new car and the great deal you got. Your boss walks into your office and explains how one of their largest customers just cut back on their future order. (Your company supplies vehicle manufactures). Your boss explains this is the third customer this month that cut back on their order, sales are down and your Christmas bonus just got cut in half for this year. Did you just feel that "reverse ripple" in effect!
Maybe your company has nothing to do with manufacturing cars but each person working for that company has buying power. When the reverse "money ripple" begins it touches all of us.
This may be a little bit dramatic but actually no so much! We can choose to push the "money ripple" out as far as it can go or to create what I am calling a reverse "money ripple."
Now don't get me wrong I have purchased many vehicles and I have worked my best deals with no remorse at all, but that is what I am saying... I had an epiphany. I am part of the reverse "money ripple" which is probably a vortex but I am not a science geek.
We need to think of ways to increase our income so we don't have to be a part of the reverse "money ripple." Strive to push that "money ripple" out as far as it can go! Be proud of it, share it and eventually the "money ripple" will touch us all!
Thanks for stopping by!
I wish you a magical journey in life.
My blog is dedicated to the amazing people I know, relationships I have developed, and what I have discovered along the way. Start swimming with the dolphins and run away from the sharks as fast as you can! Follow my journey and if it can help you in any way... I will have truly been blessed...
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
10.10.10 Hockey Intense Parents Launches!
Today is the 10th day of October, 2010. Wow... what a day to celebrate. Not because the date is 10.10.10, but for the fact this date will signify for me the launch of www.HockeyIntenseParents.com.
This has been a passion of mine for the past 2 years. As I was reading Timothy Ferriss', "The 4-Hour Workweek," the question was asked... "What is the one goal, if completed, that could change everything?" At first it seemed very obvious and I wrote my goal down and continued on with my day. But, for some reason it did not really stir any emotion in me. I look for that, when I have a project or meet someone new, I look for the emotion... are the vibrations good, how does it make me feel. That kind of stuff is important for me. I went about my day, as it continued I read Tim's statement over and over again. I read it out loud to a few of my friends and then I realized the goal I wrote down earlier in the day would not change everything, because everything related to it was the same. The same thing that I had been doing and I realized that I had to do something different... I know again with the vagueness but you see this is not about my original goal, it is about the realization that is wasn't big enough. It would not change everything, it would have changed some things, but not everything... but this will.
Eventually it came to me.. I had to play it bigger, I had to reach out, dig deeper within me and there it was... my website, my social media website that would bring hockey parents together from across the country. I know, I can't keep you all to myself, that just wouldn't be fair.
I had never started this before because, I was not able to fit all the pieces together.. until now... thank you Tim Ferriss! Seriously "The 4-Hour Workweek" changed my life... more about that another day. So, it was easy now. I knew what I had to do and without hesitation I began the journey. My goal was to create a site that Hockey Parents could go to and find resources, brag about their kids, sell or give away all that gross used hockey gear stinking up the corner of their garage.. oh wait that is me.
My husband has joined me in contributing to HockeyIntenseParents and for that I am grateful, because he truly is the expert. However, he is does not type very fast and I could not wait for him. But, that is okay he will be a huge contributor via his blog and his support.
And, with all of my travels this summer, my son I met even more hockey parents that hungered for information and had something to share. The premise of the website continued to grow. It became a place for hockey parents to contribute however they want to.. they can talk about experiences, ask questions, offer up reviews on camps, coaches, associations they have been involved with and so on. What started out as a simple website idea grew into something that is living and breathing and will continue to grow.
But, what this is really about is my journey and what I accomplished just by putting my mind to it. I can not tell you how excited I was today as I sent out my first round of emails to may hockey friends and family. As I began my social media campaign for my own creation... it is a apart of me and a continuation of my Life's Journey.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the support. Hope you found something here that inspired you... get the book. Maybe it will change your life too....
This has been a passion of mine for the past 2 years. As I was reading Timothy Ferriss', "The 4-Hour Workweek," the question was asked... "What is the one goal, if completed, that could change everything?" At first it seemed very obvious and I wrote my goal down and continued on with my day. But, for some reason it did not really stir any emotion in me. I look for that, when I have a project or meet someone new, I look for the emotion... are the vibrations good, how does it make me feel. That kind of stuff is important for me. I went about my day, as it continued I read Tim's statement over and over again. I read it out loud to a few of my friends and then I realized the goal I wrote down earlier in the day would not change everything, because everything related to it was the same. The same thing that I had been doing and I realized that I had to do something different... I know again with the vagueness but you see this is not about my original goal, it is about the realization that is wasn't big enough. It would not change everything, it would have changed some things, but not everything... but this will.
Eventually it came to me.. I had to play it bigger, I had to reach out, dig deeper within me and there it was... my website, my social media website that would bring hockey parents together from across the country. I know, I can't keep you all to myself, that just wouldn't be fair.
I had never started this before because, I was not able to fit all the pieces together.. until now... thank you Tim Ferriss! Seriously "The 4-Hour Workweek" changed my life... more about that another day. So, it was easy now. I knew what I had to do and without hesitation I began the journey. My goal was to create a site that Hockey Parents could go to and find resources, brag about their kids, sell or give away all that gross used hockey gear stinking up the corner of their garage.. oh wait that is me.
My husband has joined me in contributing to HockeyIntenseParents and for that I am grateful, because he truly is the expert. However, he is does not type very fast and I could not wait for him. But, that is okay he will be a huge contributor via his blog and his support.
And, with all of my travels this summer, my son I met even more hockey parents that hungered for information and had something to share. The premise of the website continued to grow. It became a place for hockey parents to contribute however they want to.. they can talk about experiences, ask questions, offer up reviews on camps, coaches, associations they have been involved with and so on. What started out as a simple website idea grew into something that is living and breathing and will continue to grow.
But, what this is really about is my journey and what I accomplished just by putting my mind to it. I can not tell you how excited I was today as I sent out my first round of emails to may hockey friends and family. As I began my social media campaign for my own creation... it is a apart of me and a continuation of my Life's Journey.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the support. Hope you found something here that inspired you... get the book. Maybe it will change your life too....
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
What I learned from My Son this Summer!
I just pulled up my blog and I can not believe that it was over a year ago that I last wrote. What the heck have I been doing... well, the list is long and distinguished. Okay, maybe long, but not necessarily distinguished.
A few weeks ago I was a guest on "Home Based Business Live" with my partner in crime, Trish Hetherington. Click on her photo to see and here the show. I have to admit I enjoyed it very much. And, I hope to be able to do it again! Hint, hint! Actually, it was my second time on the show and both times were fun... if you ever get a chance to be a guest on a radio show, go for it!
I shared a little bit about my summer with my son on the show and it was such an inspirational time in my life I wanted to share it in more detail in my blog today.
This past summer was amazing traveling across the country with my son. My husband says I put over 5,000 miles on our car (he is the numbers guy) but doesn't take into account our flying miles.
As most of you know Riese is an ice hockey goalie and has aspired to play in the NHL since he was 5. Through the years you watch your child development and in the back of your mind you hope their dreams are fulfilled not matter what they are. The dream either becomes a passion or it fades away with time. No fading for us and so I guess we just have to join in.
At the end of the season last year Riese confessed that he wanted to go into the 2010 season playing JR hockey... what ever that meant. So, as the high school hockey season came to a close and high school was out for the summer the pursuit of JR hockey began.
What I want to share with you about my son was something that you rarely see in the everyday person... a never ending desire to accomplish his goal. I numbered them because each event there was a decision made and you can see how many decisions were decided upon over the few summer months.
1. He wanted to be in the JPS Show case here in Denver and we signed him up and paid the money and they never cashed the check and when the day came they announced who was on the list his name did not appear. Of course we were curious and we followed up with them. Riese was too young and the JR Teams were not looking for "93"' goalies. Hummm... do we tell him that and his goal is ended before it even started.
2. But, he really wanted to show his stuff so we called around to have a few of his coaches contact the JPS on his behalf and low and behold he was on the list. (Many times it is who you know!)
3. He went to JPS and had a great showing and was approached by several teams to come to camps and the owner of one team said that if Riese would show up he was on the team. Heck, we did not know any better so, we did a little research and flew to the East coast.
4. The coach never spoke never spoke to Riese or I off the ice and the last day we were there they basically offered him the 3rd goalie position and we kindly denied.
5. We sent Riese out to his goalie coach in LA. He spent several weeks on the ice and one day a player called a coach that he knew and the coach called Riese's goalie coach and before you knew it, we had 3 days to get him from CA to MN. With much deliberation we decided to fly him home and then him and I would drive through the night to get to MN early morning of the first day he was to be on the ice. Riese stood on his head and made a good showing. Made it to the All Star Game and then he was cut. He was very close to making it on the team. They are keeping an eye on him.
6. Next tryout was a few weeks away and Riese needed a rest but in two weeks we were on the road again and back to CA for yet another tryout. We arrive on a Sunday and for the next 5 days it was intense... two days of goalies and then he playing two games a day for 3 days. Wow, he gets cut.
7. We leave CA and head to OR for the next tryout. We are positive that this team is going to take Riese. They saw him at JPS and they offered him a Tender with the team and they even have someone call and interview him for an article on their website. We are so impressed and are sure this is where he will play his first season of JR hockey.
Before tryouts even start Riese has received some information that he is probably not going to make it on the team. As you can imagine, Ken and I are not only exhausted we are shocked. Oh, and I left Riese there with all his stuff. At this point we had no idea what to do. I asked Riese what happened... his reply was... Mom, I am not looking back, I am only looking forward, find me another team to tryout for.
Here is where I get a little teary eyed. Most of us would have given up on the 1st cut, or maybe the 3rd or 4th cut. Heck, even one of the coaches mentioned that he hoped Riese was not not discouraged... to Rise's face.
8. We packed him up, after he was officially cut from the team. He did not even make it to the All Star Game, yet another shock on our part.
9. Back to CA to work with his Goalie coach again and he went in front of yet another coach and team. It was way too expensive and so that did not work.
10. And with only a few weeks before the season was to start Riese headed to yet another tryout. He packed up his gear and a few days worth of clothes and jumped on a bus for a few hour trip. Three days later he managed to get a contract and the season is finally on it's way.
I learned a lot this summer traveling across the country with my 17 year old son... if it your dream, if is your passion, never, never, never give up... even when someone tells you that you are too young to play Junior's and you probably won't make it on a team.
In the hockey world you never know how long you will be on a JR team and they can trade you or cut you at the drop of a hat or if you are not playing well they may sit on the bench. But, when something means so much to you... and you have worked so hard do you throw it away because of a little set back. Do you sit on the side lines for a while and get better and then go for it again? Do you watch and learn.
I think of myself in business and look at what I have accomplished over the past year. Success comes in many different forms. Sometimes it comes in the fact that you know you are on the right path. It comes in the fact that you have surrounded yourself with the right people that are like minded. Or, it comes in the fact that you are doing something that you love. Everything else will come.
Hopefully this story will help you when you think about quitting or think that your dream or goal is out of reach. Hopefully if your dream or goal means that much to you... you will never, never, never give up!
I have read Several great books over the past year.
"Rich Dad Poor Dad," by Robert T. Kiyosaki
"Think and Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill
"The Multi-Level Mangler in King Arthur's Court," by Greg Arnold
"The Energy Bus," by Jon Gordon
"The Richest Man in Babylon," by George S. Clason
And, I am currently reading "The 4-Hour Workweek," by Timothy Ferriss and this has changed my life and I am not even done yet!
I will be back soon... I am on a mission and you will soon figure it out if you stay tuned...
A few weeks ago I was a guest on "Home Based Business Live" with my partner in crime, Trish Hetherington. Click on her photo to see and here the show. I have to admit I enjoyed it very much. And, I hope to be able to do it again! Hint, hint! Actually, it was my second time on the show and both times were fun... if you ever get a chance to be a guest on a radio show, go for it!
I shared a little bit about my summer with my son on the show and it was such an inspirational time in my life I wanted to share it in more detail in my blog today.
This past summer was amazing traveling across the country with my son. My husband says I put over 5,000 miles on our car (he is the numbers guy) but doesn't take into account our flying miles.
As most of you know Riese is an ice hockey goalie and has aspired to play in the NHL since he was 5. Through the years you watch your child development and in the back of your mind you hope their dreams are fulfilled not matter what they are. The dream either becomes a passion or it fades away with time. No fading for us and so I guess we just have to join in.
At the end of the season last year Riese confessed that he wanted to go into the 2010 season playing JR hockey... what ever that meant. So, as the high school hockey season came to a close and high school was out for the summer the pursuit of JR hockey began.
What I want to share with you about my son was something that you rarely see in the everyday person... a never ending desire to accomplish his goal. I numbered them because each event there was a decision made and you can see how many decisions were decided upon over the few summer months.
1. He wanted to be in the JPS Show case here in Denver and we signed him up and paid the money and they never cashed the check and when the day came they announced who was on the list his name did not appear. Of course we were curious and we followed up with them. Riese was too young and the JR Teams were not looking for "93"' goalies. Hummm... do we tell him that and his goal is ended before it even started.
2. But, he really wanted to show his stuff so we called around to have a few of his coaches contact the JPS on his behalf and low and behold he was on the list. (Many times it is who you know!)
3. He went to JPS and had a great showing and was approached by several teams to come to camps and the owner of one team said that if Riese would show up he was on the team. Heck, we did not know any better so, we did a little research and flew to the East coast.
4. The coach never spoke never spoke to Riese or I off the ice and the last day we were there they basically offered him the 3rd goalie position and we kindly denied.
5. We sent Riese out to his goalie coach in LA. He spent several weeks on the ice and one day a player called a coach that he knew and the coach called Riese's goalie coach and before you knew it, we had 3 days to get him from CA to MN. With much deliberation we decided to fly him home and then him and I would drive through the night to get to MN early morning of the first day he was to be on the ice. Riese stood on his head and made a good showing. Made it to the All Star Game and then he was cut. He was very close to making it on the team. They are keeping an eye on him.
6. Next tryout was a few weeks away and Riese needed a rest but in two weeks we were on the road again and back to CA for yet another tryout. We arrive on a Sunday and for the next 5 days it was intense... two days of goalies and then he playing two games a day for 3 days. Wow, he gets cut.
7. We leave CA and head to OR for the next tryout. We are positive that this team is going to take Riese. They saw him at JPS and they offered him a Tender with the team and they even have someone call and interview him for an article on their website. We are so impressed and are sure this is where he will play his first season of JR hockey.
Before tryouts even start Riese has received some information that he is probably not going to make it on the team. As you can imagine, Ken and I are not only exhausted we are shocked. Oh, and I left Riese there with all his stuff. At this point we had no idea what to do. I asked Riese what happened... his reply was... Mom, I am not looking back, I am only looking forward, find me another team to tryout for.
Here is where I get a little teary eyed. Most of us would have given up on the 1st cut, or maybe the 3rd or 4th cut. Heck, even one of the coaches mentioned that he hoped Riese was not not discouraged... to Rise's face.
8. We packed him up, after he was officially cut from the team. He did not even make it to the All Star Game, yet another shock on our part.
9. Back to CA to work with his Goalie coach again and he went in front of yet another coach and team. It was way too expensive and so that did not work.
10. And with only a few weeks before the season was to start Riese headed to yet another tryout. He packed up his gear and a few days worth of clothes and jumped on a bus for a few hour trip. Three days later he managed to get a contract and the season is finally on it's way.
I learned a lot this summer traveling across the country with my 17 year old son... if it your dream, if is your passion, never, never, never give up... even when someone tells you that you are too young to play Junior's and you probably won't make it on a team.
In the hockey world you never know how long you will be on a JR team and they can trade you or cut you at the drop of a hat or if you are not playing well they may sit on the bench. But, when something means so much to you... and you have worked so hard do you throw it away because of a little set back. Do you sit on the side lines for a while and get better and then go for it again? Do you watch and learn.
I think of myself in business and look at what I have accomplished over the past year. Success comes in many different forms. Sometimes it comes in the fact that you know you are on the right path. It comes in the fact that you have surrounded yourself with the right people that are like minded. Or, it comes in the fact that you are doing something that you love. Everything else will come.
Hopefully this story will help you when you think about quitting or think that your dream or goal is out of reach. Hopefully if your dream or goal means that much to you... you will never, never, never give up!
I have read Several great books over the past year.
"Rich Dad Poor Dad," by Robert T. Kiyosaki
"Think and Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill
"The Multi-Level Mangler in King Arthur's Court," by Greg Arnold
"The Energy Bus," by Jon Gordon
"The Richest Man in Babylon," by George S. Clason
And, I am currently reading "The 4-Hour Workweek," by Timothy Ferriss and this has changed my life and I am not even done yet!
I will be back soon... I am on a mission and you will soon figure it out if you stay tuned...
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