Sunday, September 13, 2009

When Is the Right Time to do Anything! Right Now!

I am dedicating this blog to everyone that thinks they have missed the boat, made every mistake there is and has lost hope... I have realized that over the years my hopes and dreams slowly disappeared and not that long ago my life in general seemed like there was no hope. However, I am here to tell you that if you wish to, if you want to, YOU can change all of that, you can!

I am also here to tell you that it takes determination, passion, desire, consistency, but above all else you have to believe that YOU can do this... because if you do not believe in yourself the people around you will see that. And even though everyone seems to have good intentions many times the people closes to you, some of your closes friends and relatives for that fact are the ones who believe in you the least. You may find the person that you have confided in for years is happier to see you low then they are to see you at the top. Be ready to start to see your life in a very different way. I always told myself I was the most positive person that I knew, until I really got to know myself and then I was in shock! But that is okay, I am better now.

I recently heard a quote at a FREE seminar, (more about those later) but I am not sure who originally said it, "To figure out if something is a good idea or not, tell all your friends, if they tell you you would be stupid to do it, chances are it is the right thing to do."

So, if you are ready and if you wish to I am dedicating this blog to people who are where I was a few years ago and while I am still on my journey you can start yours and together we will surround ourselves with people we trust, who are successful, who have what we want to have, and that truly believe in US. Hang on!

"It is never too late to be what you might have been." —George Ellot

Thanks to Chellie Campbell for writing "The Wealthy Spirit." This book was the beginning of my journey back. Chellie starts each day with daily affirmations for financial stress reduction, and why wouldn't you want to start your day like that! Check it out at your local book store or at

Thanks for Reading!
Marianne Niehaus

Today's blog is in thanks to Gary Gomez a long time friend, colleague, and someone who believed in me and bought me "The Wealthy Spirit." Little did he know the transformation and journey it would start. Thank you!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The High Blood Pressure Game & Bazi

If you read my last article and checked out Ken's hair photos you may have noticed in the article that I talked about Ken being diagnosed with high blood pressure a few years ago. While the hair growth is amazing the fact that his blood pressure has been normal is truly amazing.

For the past several months while I have been an Independent Distributor for XELR8 and Bazi I have heard numerous testimonials about the benefits of drinking Bazi. Early on I did not really have any testimonials of my own so I listened to everyone else's.

I knew that if was going to get any good testimonials they would be from Ken. At first he did not have much to say about the Bazi but he drank it. He did not mind the taste and actually said that the taste kind of grew on him and eventually he really liked it.

After about two months his joints in his knees and elbows started to feel better and while he never really complained about them too much he appreciated the relief from pain. It was during the 3rd month that we noticed the hair growth. While this was exciting, it confirmed for me was that this stuff was really working from the inside out. Eventually his joints felt so good that he was even thinking about playing softball again. Unfortunately he hurt his back at work and is still recovering from surgery so now he is drinking two shots of Bazi a day to help improve his healing ability.

I guess what I want people to know is that these 8 super fruits have so many nutritional benefits the results can be amazing... just like the magazines and the journals say if we eat better we will live longer and have a more fulfilling life.

Check out my website to find out more about the 8 super fruits in Bazi and the benefits they provide... - here you can read about XELR8's relationship with Steadman Hawkins and the Greenville Medical System too.

See, my question is why did Ken's hair fall out in the first place, was it because he was deficient in something, what changed with the Baiz, he had high blood pressure but what changed when he started drinking Bazi, it took a while but eventually all kinds of things got better.

Have a Great Day and Enjoy!
Marianne Niehaus
XELR8 Independent Distributor

Sometimes we don't know that we can feel better until we try!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

To Be or Not To Be Hairless...

As I mentioned I became an Independent Distributor for XELR8, distributing Bazi. Of course since I became a distributor I wanted my entire family to enjoy all of the benefits, no matter what. At first there was a resistance but that did not matter to me. I woke up every morning and poured a shot of Bazi. Each day they would take their shot and be on their way. Each day it got easier and easier especially once everyone started feeling the benefits.

Now my husband is the most stubborn one of all but we have been married 25 years and he is always a big support of anything I do. He does not like to get involved but he will always support me. So, each day he would take his shot too and encourage the kids to to the same.

About three months after drinking his Bazi every morning he started to notice a few things. One, it was easier for him to get out of bed in the morning. He has had a very physical life. He played football in high school, Rugby after high school for several yeas and pitched softball for over 20 years. As you can imagine after two surgeries and a lot of physical play he has a few aches and pains. After about three months he said that he had not felt this good in years! It made me smile. But, another amazing thing happened that neither one of us expected... a good friend from high school was visiting and told Ken his hair looked thicker. Thinking it was time to shave his head again he just blew it off. I did not think much of it either until one day when he was sitting at the dinner table I walked by and noticed that his bald spot was getting smaller and that there was a bunch of peach fuzz growing. I could not believe my eyes and got my phone and took a picture of his head. Amazed, I showed him. He did not think it looked that different but he admitted he really did not look at the back of his head much.

As the weeks and months went by he started to notice more and more growth. He is absolutely convinced that it is the Bazi because he had not changed anything else in his life except he stopped drinking soda. (they have not linked soda to baldness have they?) I have to admit I believe it is the Bazi too. There are no claims that Bazi will make your hair grow back but I have heard testimonies of people saying that their hair feels healthier.

So, here it is folks photos from March of 2009 and June of 2009. I am all about the health benefits but whose to say that getting your hair back won't make you feel better!

So, my husband starts to feel better, I am so happy! Then we notice that his hair is growing back. Wow, that is truly amazing but the most amazing thing of all is that a few years ago he was diagnosed with high blood pressure. He tried a few different medications but did not like the way they made him feel so he quit taking them. It made me nervous that he was not taking his medication but what could I do. I asked him to please check his blood pressure to make sure it was not getting hirer but he always forgot. Recently he hurt his back at work and has had to go to the Dr. several times. Each time they checked his blood pressure it was perfect. They even commented on it. He finally had to fill out his medical history and mentioned that he had been diagnosed with high blood pressure... the Dr. was very interested about what he was doing to get his blood pressure back to normal.

I heard several testimonials about this but until I actually experienced it in my family I didn't get it.

I love Bazi for so many reasons... it helps my son perform to his highest ability, my daughter notices the benefits, I have loss some weight, have more energy and focus but you know as moms go, it is never about us, it is all about our family. I feel my husband has a better life and to see him smile every time he rubs his head is priceless!

Here is a toast to you and your good health!

Take Care and Thanks for reading!

NO More Manic Mondays!

I have had a few blogs before but mostly to talk about other people and other things. Now I have decided to create my own blog to see if there would be any interest. I am not a big blog reader so I am not sure why someone would read my blog but none the less I have decided to create my own.

I became an Independent Distributor with XELR8 back in December of 2008. Originally I was looking for some type of supplement that would be healthy and work for my 15 year old son, Riese Niehaus, is 6"5" and plays competitive hockey and is a goalie. As you can imagine he pretty much eats us out of house and home. During the season he is on the ice 5 to 6 times a week plus conditioning dryland and Total Hockey which is a dryland workout on synthetic ice. He has always been a healthy eater and carries around a sack of carrots like they are a bag of chips. But, even with his healthy habits I wanted to make sure he was getting the best nutrition he could so he could give his best performance on the ice.

I called my friend one day and I still can not remember why I called her but we ended up talking about Riese and she wanted to introduce me to a product called Bazi. She has been a professional trainer for nearly 25 years and had never endorsed a product until now. I met with her, took my shot of Bazi and away I went.

I had a meeting with an old friend that commented a few times during our lunch meeting about how I seemed really happy! I did, and I acknowledged it. But, again before the meeting was over my friend mentioned that she thought that I seemed like I felt really really good. I thought about it and then I realized I had had the shot of Bazi. I realized right then that I needed to find out more... and I did.

A short time after feeling my personal results and watching my family benefit from it I without a doubt wanted to be a part of this family.

If you are curious check out my website. I will post testimonials of people that I have personally spoke with and the life changing benefits they have experienced.

No More Manic Monday's for me. As a matter a fact my outlook on life and the personal experiences I have had with Bazi have changed my life forever!

Have a great Monday!

Remember: You can not say the wrong thing to the right person and the right thing to the wrong person!