Sunday, October 10, 2010

10.10.10 Hockey Intense Parents Launches!

Today is the 10th day of October, 2010. Wow... what a day to celebrate. Not because the date is 10.10.10, but for the fact this date will signify for me the launch of

This has been a passion of mine for the past 2 years. As I was reading Timothy Ferriss', "The 4-Hour Workweek," the question was asked... "What is the one goal, if completed, that could change everything?" At first it seemed very obvious and I wrote my goal down and continued on with my day. But, for some reason it did not really stir any emotion in me. I look for that, when I have a project or meet someone new, I look for the emotion... are the vibrations good, how does it make me feel. That kind of stuff is important for me. I went about my day, as it continued I read Tim's statement over and over again. I read it out loud to a few of my friends and then I realized the goal I wrote down earlier in the day would not change everything, because everything related to it was the same. The same thing that I had been doing and I realized that I had to do something different... I know again with the vagueness but you see this is not about my original goal, it is about the realization that is wasn't big enough. It would not change everything, it would have changed some things, but not everything... but this will.

Eventually it came to me.. I had to play it bigger, I had to reach out, dig deeper within me and there it was... my website, my social media website that would bring hockey parents together from across the country. I know, I can't keep you all to myself, that just wouldn't be fair.

I had never started this before because, I was not able to fit all the pieces together.. until now... thank you Tim Ferriss! Seriously "The 4-Hour Workweek" changed my life... more about that another day. So, it was easy now. I knew what I had to do and without hesitation I began the journey. My goal was to create a site that Hockey Parents could go to and find resources, brag about their kids, sell or give away all that gross used hockey gear stinking up the corner of their garage.. oh wait that is me.

My husband has joined me in contributing to HockeyIntenseParents and for that I am grateful, because he truly is the expert. However, he is does not type very fast and I could not wait for him. But, that is okay he will be a huge contributor via his blog and his support.

And, with all of my travels this summer, my son I met even more hockey parents that hungered for information and had something to share. The premise of the website continued to grow. It became a place for hockey parents to contribute however they want to.. they can talk about experiences, ask questions, offer up reviews on camps, coaches, associations they have been involved with and so on. What started out as a simple website idea grew into something that is living and breathing and will continue to grow.

But, what this is really about is my journey and what I accomplished just by putting my mind to it. I can not tell you how excited I was today as I sent out my first round of emails to may hockey friends and family. As I began my social media campaign for my own creation... it is a apart of me and a continuation of my Life's Journey.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the support. Hope you found something here that inspired you... get the book. Maybe it will change your life too....